An amazing couple of volunteers, Bill Kettrey who serves on our TECH TEAM and Stacy Kettrey who serves in WELCOME & MKIDS TEAMS. Serve with us and join our ministry teams!
SETUP/TECH/A&V/WORSHIP MINISTRY - Contact - Bobby Wallace (252-217-4591) or
TECH TEAM & SET UP SCHEDULER - Make service schedule using Planning Center for overall Tech Team and Set Up Teams. Schedule volunteers in Audio, Video, Lights, Service Elements, Chairs and Signs Setup.
SET-UP TEAM MEMBER - Arrive by 8:30AM. Assist team members in setup of pipe and drape dividers (4) and chairs as well as inside signs and outdoor signs.
LIVESTREAM AUDIO VOLUNTEER - Make the connections for our livestream sound and make small adjustments to levels as needed. Responsible for tearing down as well as packing up equipment.
LIGHTING VOLUNTEER - Arrive by 8:30AM. Set up and teardown of stage lights. Make minor adjustments to control board in the service as needed.
LIVESTREAM ENGINEER - Set up and tear down of cameras and ipad for livestream and run the software during service.
SLIDES PRODUCER - Help prepare slides for propresenter during the week. Can be done by remote connection.
SLIDES OPERATOR - Arrive by 9:30AM. Run propresenter slides during worship and message on Sunday morning.
SOUND ENGINEER - Assist in set up and tear down and sound check for worship and make minor adjustments during the service.
COMPUTER/TV SETUP - Arrive by 8:30AM. Setup and tear down of TV and computer. Make appropriate connections for worship.
STAGE SETUP - Arrive by 8:30AM. Help in setup and tear down of sound and band equipment along with other team members.
CONNECT/TRY 5 VOLUNTEER - Lead Connect/Try 5 moment from stage following provided script.
OFFERING TALK VOLUNTEER - Lead Offering/Generosity moment from stage or video following script of your thoughts and scripture.
ANNOUNCEMENTS VOLUNTEER - Share one or two brief announcements from stage or video using provided script.
WORSHIP VOCALIST - Arrive by 8:45AM to practice on the Sunday that you are singing. Be available to attend at least one practice each month (Friday nights). Be comfortable being on stage in front of an audience.
WORSHIP GUITARIST (BASS) - Arrive by 8:45AM to practice on the Sunday that you are playing. Be available to attend at least one practice each month (Friday nights). Be comfortable being on stage in front of an audience.
WELCOME TEAM MINISTRY - Contact Laura Bingler (919-799-6374) or
GREETERS - Arrives by 945AM. Be friendly and smiling, willing to welcome everyone inside. Help answer questions when necessary or send guests to the Welcome Table for more info. Refrain from use of cell phone while greeting. Holds signage or other items when necessary. Stands outside (weather permitting) until 10:30AM. On inclement weather days, greets from just inside the lobby doors.
USHER - Arrives by 9:30AM. Sets up communion tables and breaks down. Helps seat people as the need arises. Acts as an extended greeter in the worship area.
WELCOME CENTER TEAM - Arrive by 8:45AM to set up and tear down welcome center and missions tables. Put up first time guest sign, missions love serve move sign and directional restroom/kids sign. Sets out on 2 welcome tables and the mission table. Helps hand out connect cards to new guests during service or after service. Provides current information on events coming up (check the Movement app for the latest info). Be an extension of the greeting team - stands near the lobby until 10:30AM near the Welcome wooden bar/cart. Be available to help or talk to guests as they enter and exit the service.
CAFE/HOSPITALITY COORDINATOR - Assists with cafe setup when necessary. Keeps track of cafe supplies and reorders on a regular basis. Assists with food for Discover Movement or other special events. Takes replenishment bin home each Sunday and brings back each week.
CAFE LEAD VOLUNTEER - Arrive by 8:45AM to set up cafe table. Prepare coffee and hot water and set up the table with the tablecloth. Be able to serve hot beverages and foods until the sermon begins. May stand or sit at the Cafe table the entire service. Fills out the supply sheet list each week as the table gets packed up. Cleans out the coffee pots and carafes that had coffee in it. Packs up the cafe bins into the large rolling cart. Ensures that trash gets thrown away in the large school trash can. Checks in the cafeteria and worship area for any excess trash. Be sure to communicate with Cafe Coordinator or Next Moves Director regarding the supply list for the following Sunday.
OFFERING HOST VOLUNTEER - Pass a background check. Willing to stay after service to count the offering with a 2nd host that is not related to you. Clean up communion cups and tables after service while waiting for guests to contribute to the offering box. On select (4th) Sundays, check to see if there is any money in the children’s offering box. Stamps checks with the included stamper. Folds up offering in offering sheet with connect cards and places in bank bag. Returns bank bag and Next Moves binder to the Next Moves Director.
MOVEMENT KIDS MINISTRY - Contact Shari Wallace (252-217-4592) or
KIDS CHECK-IN VOLUNTEERS - Arrive at church by 9AM to set up the table. Be a smiling face to the kids and their parents before the service. Assist families in checking in on the tablet or computer and getting a name tag. Remind parents to take their child to the bathroom before dropping them off in the classroom. Please stay at the check-in table until 10:30AM for any late-comers. After service, wipe down and pack up the check-in table and computers.
NURSERY VOLUNTEERS - Arrive at church by 9AM to help with set up and be ready for prayer time at 9:30AM. Before setting up, take a picture of the room so that it can be left the way it was found. Set up the baby gate, rug, toys, and swing. Be kind and caring to all babies and families. When parents drop off their child(ren), please have them fill out the napping & feeding chart, if needed. Feeding, rocking, playing and changing diapers are all part of the normal routine for nursery volunteers. To check out kids, match the sticker number from parents to the kids sticker on the classroom clipboard. No child can leave the room without a parent or responsible party checking them out. Wipe down any toys that were used. Clean up and pack up supplies into the large black rolling bin.
TODDLERS/PRE-K VOLUNTEERS - Arrive at church by 9AM to help with the set up of the classroom. Volunteer prayer time is at 9:15AM. Take pictures of anything you have to move, to be able to return it the way the HRES classroom teacher had it. Please be in the worship area to welcome children and be in fellowship with parents by 9:45AM. Be kind and welcoming to all children. Be excited to share God’s Word in a fun and interactive way. Lessons and activities and basic supplies will be provided in the supplies box that you pick up the week before. To check out kids, match the sticker number from parents to the kids sticker on the classroom clipboard. No child can leave the room without a parent or responsible party checking them out. Wipe down anything that was used during class. Clean up and pack supplies into the large black rolling bin. Make sure the classroom is returned to its original state.
ELEMENTARY VOLUNTEERS - Arrive at church by 9AM to help with the set up of the classroom. Volunteer prayer time is at 9:15AM. Take pictures of anything you have to move, to be able to return it the way the HRES classroom teacher had it. Please be in the worship area to welcome children and fellowship with parents by 9:45AM. Be kind and welcoming to all children. Be excited to share God’s Word in a fun and interactive way. Lessons and activities and basic supplies will be provided in the supplies box that you pick up the week before. To check out kids, match the sticker number from parents to the kids sticker on the classroom clipboard. No child can leave the room without a parent or responsible party checking them out. Wipe down anything that was used during class. Clean up and pack supplies into the large black rolling bin. Make sure the classroom is returned to its original state.
SECURITY VOLUNTEERS - Arrive at church at 9:40AM for prayer time. Security Volunteer #1 should be in the lobby within sight of the front door. Security Volunteer #2 should be at the check-in table while parents are bringing kids back. Volunteers will also serve as a greeter, being welcoming to guests and regulars. Security Volunteer #2 will only allow volunteers with name tags and parents who have checked in their children to enter the hallway behind the check in table and classrooms. Security volunteers should remain at the back of the worship service area where you can see the entrance to the outside and the hallway. During the service, take turns walking the hallways and periodically check on the classrooms. Only allow Movement Kids volunteers and parents with tags to enter the MKids hallway.
HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP VOLUNTEER - Must be immersed. Must be a mission partner. Be excited to share God’s Word in a fun and interactive way. Attend events with teens. Be involved in teaching on Sunday evenings for youth.
HELP US ERASE THE RED. Fill out the form below to let us know where you can serve on any upcoming Sunday. Once you’ve completed the forms, a designated ministry team leader will reach out to you to discuss the details. Thank you for your willingness to serve in His Kingdom at Movement Church.